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The Concierge Choice

With the healthcare landscape changing so quickly, many patients are looking for enhanced advocacy and support from their physician.  For those patients, Dr. Insel has an optional health and wellness program called “Concierge Choice.”


Concierge Choice is an exclusive membership program that you can join in order to receive more time and a level of service that is not typically available in traditional practices. While quality care and convenience is at the backbone of Dr. Insel's practice, the Concierge Choice program takes it even further, offering:

  • Dr. Insel’s active role in the coordination and direction of not only your cardiac care but also of your overall medical care


  • An annual comprehensive medical/cardiac exam—includes a variety of specialized health risk appraisals and screenings that go beyond a traditional annual exam.   Dr. Insel uses the results of this exam to establish a baseline and develop health goals for each patient to work towards 


  •  Lifestyle coaching and support to help keep patients on track to meet your goals


  •  A staff that is focused on service and convenience


  • Dedicated concierge hours so appointments are scheduled for longer and start on time


  • Relaxed visits so that you can feel comfortable asking all of your questions


  • Dr. Insel’s availability after hours and on weekends via his private cell phone number


  • A private office telephone number to call for appointments or with questions


  • Enhanced coordination of care with specialists and other health providers


  • A portable USB memory device to carry your medical information


Call for a brochure or to schedule an appointment

Dr. Insel has always been attentive and readily available. The Concierge Choice service has just enhanced an excellent doctor’s ability to focus even more on patients.”

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