What is Concierge Medicine for patients?
What is Concierge Medicine?
Have you ever made an appointment with your physician, waited an hour or more to be seen, and then felt rushed, like you didn’t really have the time you needed to discuss your concerns? Or perhaps you weren’t even able to see your doctor; you could only get an appointment with their assistant?
Concierge medicine is a membership-based program designed to foster greater connectivity with your physician and conveniences that simply aren’t always possible in today’s traditional-style practices. Patients who join a Concierge Choice program pay an annual fee to their physician. They receive additional medical services, a heightened practice experience and a more personal relationship with their physician.
Your concierge physician will have more time with you to:
get to know you as an individual with a unique lifestyle
and health profile
collaborate, comfort, review treatment regimens
and work towards health goals
advocate with specialists and other care providers
on your behalf
be available after hours and weekends by cell phone
and even email
offer relaxed appointments that generally start right on time

Why is a Personal Connection with My Physician So Important?
Think about how a school teacher is much more effective when they know their students, their learning curves and where they struggle, rather than teach a standard curriculum to new students each day. Your health is no different—you have a history and a lifestyle that make you a unique patient. When things just don’t seem quite right, there is no substitution for a physician who truly knows you.
One day you may find yourself juggling multiple healthcare providers, or perhaps being admitted to the hospital. Knowing your physician will be there for you and your family, consulting with your specialists and working with those providing your hospital care means peace of mind just when you need it most.
Even if you are in good health, a Concierge Choice program can benefit you greatly. The one-to-one relationship you have with your physician, along with the conveniences and emphasis on preventive care and wellness can help to keep you healthy and vital in the years to come.
How Can I Join?
Are you ready to take the next step towards a healthier future? Concierge Choice Physicians has doctors across the nation who can give you the personalized attention and service you deserve. You can find out more about physicians in your area by:
Using our Find a Doctor lookup
Calling Concierge Choice Physicians at (877) 888-5565
Emailing members@choice.md