We recently attended the Endo 2015 trade show in San Diego, CA. It was a very interesting show, confirming what we have seen in the industry for some time now—Endocrinologists are feeling the effects of a changing healthcare marketplace. Over and over we heard that the pressure on their practices is becoming overwhelming.
But there is good news—Endocrinologists can change the style and pace of their practice for the better, while also increasing their revenue. The solution lies in a membership model designed specifically for endocrinologists.
CCP is proud to have recently launched a successful program for Dr. Stephen L. Aronoff, a leading endocrinologist in Dallas, TX. He had a loyal patient base who wanted more time with him, enhanced service and advocacy, and the convenience that concierge medicine allows. Through the CCP FullFLEX model, he was able to transform his busy traditional endocrinology practice to a full model concierge practice that allows him the time he needs to practice medicine the way he wants, while still improving his bottom line.
CCP takes a flexible approach to concierge care. The endocrinologists we serve offer our Hybrid Choice model, where patients can opt to join the program or remain in the traditional practice, or our FullFLEX model, where the entire practice converts to a membership model. We collaborate with each physician to understand their goals, and develop a model that will work for that practice.
For more information, download our Ebook on Concierge Care for Endocrinology Practices.